Church Life
Bulletin Announcements must be submitted by Thursday at Noon.
Carol Fest - Sunday, Dec. 8 @ 7pm at the MCI gymnasium in support of the North Norfolk Christmas Cheer Board. Many local artists will be taking part, including our Jr. Choir.
Westend Community Church Christmas Schedule:
- Saturday December 21, Jr. Choir Program at 7pm
- Sunday December 22, Sunday School Christmas Program at 10am - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
- Tuesday December 24, Christmas Eve Service at 7pm
- Sunday December 29, NO SUNDAY SCHOOL, Service @ 10am
The Christmas Cheer Board - Angel Tree is in the foyer. Please take and angel ornament and purchase a gift for the corresponding age and gender and return unwrapped before December 15. We would love to give each child a gift of approximately $20-$25 value. Thank you for taking part in this important work.
Christmas Hampers - If you or someone you know is in need of a Christmas hamper this season, please contact the Community Resource Centre at 204-685-2977. before December 13. If you would like to donate to the Christmas Cheer campaign, see the poster on the bulletin board for ways you can give.
Christmas Concert & Sing Along - Saturday, December 7th @ Springfield Heights Mennonite CHurch (Winnipeg), Sunday, December 8th @ Enns Centennial Hall (Winkler)
Membership Transfer - If anyone else is interested in membership or baptism please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt.
Anyone wishing to e-transfer the church with their tithes and offerings can send it to
Church Building Expansion - Thank you to everyone who has pledged already for the church expansion project. We are encouraged by the generosity of the congregation. Pledge cards are still available in the foyer. Please give completed forms to Pete Doerksen (Mailbox 14).
Ministry Opportunity! Our church is responsible to provide a service at the MacGregor Care Home at 3pm on the following dates. Services can involve scripture reading and or devotional, instrumental music and or singing and should be approximately 30 minutes. Please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt if you are willing to serve in this way. December 1.
C&C Bible Study:
Westend Youth Group: Friday, @7:30 @ the church. If you have a child that is 13 or older and would like to participate in youth group please contact Pastor Matt for more info and to be added to the contact list.
Ladies Bible Study: will be on Friday, 10am at the church. We will be studying the book "Life Under the Sun, The unexpectedly Good News of Ecclesiastes". Baby sitting is provided. Contact Roxie Toews for more information.
Ladies Bible Study #2: Will be starting Wednesday, Sept. 25, @ 10am at Melody's house. We will be studying the series "Belief that Behaves" with Dr. David Jeremiah. All ladies welcome. For more information contact Melody Buhler @ 204-870-2803
Small Group Bible Study - Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer.
Volunteer Opportunity - The Hub in MacGregor is looking for volunteers for our junior and high school drop-ins this year. The junior drop-in takes place from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays, while the high school drop-ins is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. We are specifically in need of adult female volunteers for the high school drop-in. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Devin Hildebrand at 204-870-0528 or Tyson Murray at 204-249-0271.
Children's Choir - Practicing every Friday from 4-5 p.m. at the church. For anyone kindergarten through grade 12. Feel free to invite friends from the community too! If you have questions please contact Shelby @ 204-249-0290 or Melissa 204-903-0130
Men's Breakfast - We will continue to meet at 8:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month.