Church Life

    Bulletin Announcements must be submitted by Thursday at Noon.

    Fundraiser - Dessert and pie fundraiser auction is March 22 @ 1pm at the Austin Hall. Don't forget to sign up via the QR code or in the blue notebook in the foyer. Help is needed to get the word out by social media, telling others or helping to post flyers wherever possible. Volunteers will be needed for the following: set up and tear down, decoration, kitchen duties and helping to serve coffee, desserts, selling tickets or helping out with the auction itself. For questions, please contact Bre @ 204-979-8010 or

    Church Building Expansion - Thank you to everyone who has pledged already for the church expansion project. We are encouraged by the generosity of the congregation. Pledge cards are still available in the foyer. Please give completed forms to Pete Doerksen (Mailbox 14).

    Our Sunday School Offerings from January to March will go to Destiny Sawatzky with Africa Inland Mission.

    Kindergarten information Day - at Austin Christian Academy. Monday, March 10 from 9:15-11:45am. Children who will be 5 years old by December 31, 2025 are invited to join us for a morning of Kindergarten. Parents are invited to stay from 9:15-9:45 for an information session. Please call the school at 204-637-2303 to register.

    Crokinole Tournament -  Our annual Westend Youth Crokinole Tournament is this week! Friday, March 14, at the church @ 7:30pm. This is an open event for all to attend and we would love to see you there. If you have a crokinole board that we would be able to use talk to Pastor Matt. Thanks!

    Benefit Concert for Hopes Journey Home - Friday, March 14th at 7pm at the Portage Evangelical Church. Coffee & dainties will be served. Free will offering will be taken.

    One Hope Canada Gospel Concert - The Fehr Family Band will be having an evening of family-friendly gospel music at the Gladstone Christian Fellowship Church on March 31 @ 7pm, in support of One Hope Canada.


    C&C Bible Study: 

    Westend Youth Group: Friday, @7:30 @ the church. If you have a child that is 13 or older and would like to participate in youth group please contact Pastor Matt for more info and to be added to the contact list.

    Ladies Bible Study: will be on Friday, 10am at the church. Study will resume January 10th

    Ladies Bible Study #2: For Wednesday, will resume in January

    Volunteer Opportunity - The Hub in MacGregor is looking for volunteers for our junior and high school drop-ins this year. The junior drop-in takes place from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays, while the high school drop-ins is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. We are specifically in need of adult female volunteers for the high school drop-in. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Devin Hildebrand at 204-870-0528 or Tyson Murray at 204-249-0271.

    Men's Breakfast - We will continue to meet at 8:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of every month.

    Sunday School Offerings - From September to December, offerings totalled $300 for the North Norfolk Chirstmas Cheer Board. Thank you for giving! Our offerings from January to March will go to Destiny Sawatzky with Africa Inland Mission

    Ministry Opportunity! Our church is responsible to provide a service at the MacGregor Care Home at 3pm on the following dates: April 6th, May 25th, July 13th, August 2nd, October 19th, December 7th.  Services can involve scripture reading and or devotional, instrumental music and or singing and should be approximately 30 minutes. Please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt if you are willing to serve in this way.

    Membership Transfer - If anyone else is interested in membership or baptism please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt.

    Anyone wishing to e-transfer the church with their tithes and offerings can send it to