Church Life

    Bulletin Announcements must be submitted by Thursday at Noon.

    Community Service - June 23 @ 10:30 am at the curling rink in MacGregor. There will be no service at Westend that morning.

    Family Camp at Valley View Bible Camp - June 28-July1 (you can be home in time for Canada Day fireworks). Come for a long weekend of intentional biblical teaching with our main speaker Jeff Peacock and the children's teacher will be Uncle Harold. There will be plenty of camp activities throughout the weekend including go-karts, archery, kayaks, zipline and much more. Weekend cost - $115 per person - $525 per family (4 and under are free). Call 204-685-2999 or register online at

    Camp Workers Needed - Valley View Bible Camp is in need of male cabin leaders. Please prayerfully consider joining our Mission Team.

    Baptism Sunday - July 7 for Natasha Doerksen, Savannah Gros, Vanessa Sawatzky, Andrea Vogt, Paige Zacharias.

    Church Campout - July 19-21 at the Williams Park Campground in Gladstone. Sign up sheet in foyer. Cost: $80 per trailer site. Payment to be made to Sarah Bueckert.

    Membership Transfer - If anyone else is interested in membership or baptism please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt.

    Anyone wishing to e-transfer the church with their tithes and offerings can send it to

    Church Building Expansion - Thank you to everyone who has pledged already for the church expansion project. We are encouraged by the generosity of the congregation. Pledge cards are still available in the foyer. Please give completed forms to Pete Doerksen (Mailbox 14).

    Ministry Opportunity! Our church is responsible to provide a service at the MacGregor Care Home at 3pm on the following dates. Services can involve scripture reading and or devotional, instrumental music and or singing and should be approximately 30 minutes. Please talk to Pastor Myron or Pastor Matt if you are willing to serve in this way. June 16; July 28; September 8; October 20; December 1.

    Cuba Material Aid! Don & Carol Pickle are once again taking ministry trips to Cuba. In September, we will collect toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap to send with them. Washcloths and dishcloths are also welcome donations. So anyone who enjoys crocheting or knitting this is your notice to cue up the cotton yarn and make some dishcloths. For further information contact Edna Toews.


    C&C Bible Study: Modified schedule for the Summer

    Westend Youth Group: On Break until September

    Ladies Bible Study: Fridays @ 9:45 am. Babysitting is provided. All ladies welcome. Any questions please talk to Roxie Toews.

    There will be no more men's breakfasts until October.